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Sejauh Couple: Feby Kusumajanti & Theodorus Bimo Basundhoro

Their love for Sejauh Mata Memandang made Feby Kusumajanti and Theodorus Bimo Basundhoro, choose one of Sejauh's collections to wear during their pre-wedding photo session. According to these two lovebirds, communication is the most important thing in a relationship. That way, the relationship will last and can be taken to a more serious level, namely marriage, just like Feby and Bimo who just got married a few months ago. Let's take a peek at their love story below!

Sejauh (S): How long have you been dating? Tell us about it…

Feby (F): We've been together for two years, we were first introduced by my office mate who happens to be Bimo's church friend. When we first got together, we committed to a more serious relationship, and finally we decided to get married on November 12, 2022.

S: Where did you first meet? Could you share the details?

F: We met through Instagram, through DM we made an appointment for a first date in the Bekasi area (because I live in Bekasi and Bimo's house is in Bekasi too).

S: Describe your first date.

F: Our first date was at a food court near our boarding house in Harapan Indah, Bekasi. Yes, it was just the friends getting to know each other stage, hahaha... We chit-chat, ate, had coffee together, then were taken home.

S: How well do you know your partner?

F: I know my partner quite well, we meet often. So that is his nature, I have memorized and likewise Bimo knows me and my whiny traits, hehehe ...


S: Any relationship tips you want to share?

F: Tips from me in relationships that are very important are communication and sacrifice for each other. Starting from sacrificing time, hobbies, and fun to appreciate your partner. Everything in my opinion is really important, so that the relationship remains harmonious.

S: What are your matching couple items?

F: Shoes and clothes.


S: How did you discover Sejauh Mata Memandang?

F: From the exhibition and Instagram. 

S: Why did you choose Sejauh Mata Memandang?

F: Because I like its simple and elegant design with unique and sustainable motifs. 

S: How was your first experience wearing Sejauh Mata Memandang?

F: I really like it, you can pair it with any occasion. Starting from a wedding, to the beach, or just for a walk.


S: Which Sejauh Mata Memandang collection is the most memorable for you?

F: Laut Kita Collection.


S: What is your understanding of responsible fashion?

F: It's a kind of sustainable way of dressing so as not to add to the accumulation of waste. 

S: Who inspires you in slow living?

F: I don't have a figure yet, but for brands I really like the Sejauh Mata Memandang collection.

S: #SejauhManaKamuPeduli for the planet?

F: As far as I don't want to use plastic anymore when shopping and try to bring a tumbler.


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