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Building the Future of Indonesia’s Fashion with Studio Sejauh: A Collaborative Space for Creativity and Impact

Sejauh Mata Memandang (SMM) introduces Studio Sejauh, a collaborative space in the textile sector located in Pekalongan, Central Java. Studio Sejauh was initiated by Yayasan Sejauh Bumi Lestari, the new family member of Sejauh Mata Memandang, with the goal of bringing together stakeholders and players in the textile industry (from artisans, farmers, SMEs, communities, fashion business players to the general public) to build textile sovereignty in Indonesia through principles of circularity, sustainability, and environmental conservation by providing open access and information on responsible supply system and production.

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Through Studio Sejauh, fashion industry players in Indonesia can now come to learn about, engage with, and partner with various production elements that have long been SMM's partners in clothing production. Coinciding with the inauguration of Studio Sejauh, SMM also invited several inspirational figures who have collaborated with SMM to share their knowledge and discuss their work during the "Casual Talk with Studio Sejauh Collaborators" event, fully supported by The Sidji Hotel, Pekalongan. These include biodiversity practitioner Chandra Kirana Prijosusilo from Yayasan Sekar Kawung , Raden Asyfa Fuadi as the founder of the denim weaving brand, plant-based dye artisan Fatah Syaifur Rochman from Shibiru, organic ramie fiber producer Wibowo Akhmad from Rabersa, and Pekalongan batik artisan Mugi Raharjo.

Chitra Subyakto , Founder and Creative Director of Sejauh Mata Memandang, sees immense collaboration potential with the establishment of Studio Sejauh. The collective awareness to continuously learn from one another and collaborate with the right partners underpins Chitra's efforts to bring her trusted vendors closer to becoming resources for fellow fashion business players. "We believe that the goal of textile sovereignty must be pursued through working together, supporting each other to empower, create, and make an impact together. Therefore, the spirit of collaboration is the foundation of Studio Sejauh's existence," said Chitra.

Located at Jl. Karya Bakti No.196, Pekalongan, Central Java, the studio is expected to become a key location for circular fashion business enthusiasts to access open information that can support business efforts to operate more responsibly.

"Currently, the difficulty of access for similar business players to know and obtain information about responsible production processes or vendors sometimes hampers the progress of new labels. We want to contribute more to the birth of new labels by providing the right access and opportunities to collaborate with local artisans who are also of high quality," Chitra added.

"This collaboration is very important and beneficial to revive the fading weaving culture in Pekalongan. The support and openness provided by Studio Sejauh will not only help us preserve Indonesian textile heritage like weaving but also strengthen textile sovereignty in Indonesia," said Raden Asyfa Fuadi, Founder of, enthusiastically. According to him, the spirit of collaboration championed by Studio Sejauh provides opportunities for artisans and SMEs to empower, create, and generate positive impact together. It is also a significant step in preserving and revitalizing local cultural heritage while contributing to environmental sustainability.

"This August, we will also launch our first public program, 'Tanam Benih Jadi Sandang,' in collaboration with Studio Sejauh partners, namely Sekar Kawung, Bidadariku,, Shibiru, and Rabersa. Through this initiative, we invite everyone to replant cotton, care for it, and harvest it. The harvested cotton will later be sent to us and spun into yarn and woven into fabric by Studio Sejauh collaborators, which will then be returned to the participants," explained Chitra. She hopes that this program will involve a broader community in every step of the fabric production process and increase understanding of sustainable and circular textile practices.

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