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🌳 Together for the Planet: Use Code ARUNA for IDR 50k Off and Support Reforestation—One Tree for Every Clothing Purchased. 🌱 Our office will be closed on Monday, January 27, 2025 due to Prophet's Ascension holiday.
by Sejauh

Gajah - Doll

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Name : Imbo
ID no : 3101
Address : Tesso Nilo National Park - Riau, Sumatera

Soft. Animal shaped. Patchwork details.
Thank You
By purchasing imbo, you have taken part in the protection & preservation of Sumatran Elephants.
Imbo is smart and kind-hearted. As he grows, he will become the majestic leader of the forest with his ivory like his parents. Support Imbo to protect his forest just like the forest protects us and gift us clean air to breathe Together, let’s keep the hunters and traders away from this endangered species.


Nama : Imbo
ID no : 3101
Alamat : Taman Nasional Tesso Nilo - Riau, Sumatera

Terima Kasih
Dengan membeli Imbo, kamu sudah ikut peduli terhadap kelestarian gajah Sumatera.
Imbo adalah gajah pintar dan lembut hati. Kelak tubuh dan gadingnya akan tumbuh besar dan megah, meneruskan tugas orang tuanya untuk menjaga kelestarian ekosistem hutan. Dukung Imbo menjaga hutannya, seperti hutan mejaga kita semua agar terus bisa bernafas. Mari bersama kita waspadai perburuan dan perdagangan satwa langka.

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